LEFT Function in Excel

✨ Part 1: Introduction ✨💡 Definition: The LEFT function in Microsoft Excel extracts a specified number of characters from a text string’s beginning (leftmost) side. It allows you to retrieve a portion of text based on the desired length.🎯 Purpose: The LEFT function is useful when extracting a specific number of characters from the left … Read more

CONCATENATE Function in Excel

✨ Part 1: Introduction ✨💡 Definition: The CONCATENATE function in Microsoft Excel combines or joins multiple text strings into a single string. It allows you to merge text from different cells or add specific characters between the text values.🎯 Purpose: The CONCATENATE function is helpful when combining text from different sources, such as names, addresses, … Read more

VARP Function in Excel

✨ Part 1: Introduction ✨💡 Definition: The VARP function in Microsoft Excel calculates the variance of a population. Variance measures the dispersion of values in a dataset, indicating how spread out the data points are from the average value.🎯 Purpose: The VARP function is used to analyze data and assess the variability within a population. … Read more

VAR Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1: Introduction 🌟The VAR function in Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the variance of a dataset. Variance measures the dispersion of values in a dataset, indicating how spread out the data points are from the average value. The VAR function is handy in statistical analysis and risk assessment.Syntax:syntaxVAR(number1, [number2], …) Arguments:number1, number2, … Read more

STDEVP Function in Excel

Part 1: Introduce The STDEVP function in Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the standard deviation of a population based on the entire population dataset. It measures the dispersion or variability of data points from the population mean. The standard deviation is a commonly used statistical measure in data analysis and helps understand the spread … Read more

STDEV Function in Excel

Part 1: IntroduceDefinition: The STDEV function in Microsoft Excel is a statistical function that calculates the standard deviation of a range of values. Standard deviation measures how spread out the values are from the average (mean) value.Purpose: The STDEV function aims to analyze the variability or dispersion of data points within a dataset. It helps … Read more

PRODUCT function in Excel

Part 1: IntroduceDefinition: The PRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel is a mathematical function that calculates the product of a range of numbers or a series of individual values. It multiplies all the numbers together and returns the result.Purpose: The purpose of the PRODUCT function is to perform multiplication operations on a set of numbers or … Read more

COUNT function in Excel

✨ Part 1: Introduce📌 Definition: The COUNT function in Microsoft Excel is used to count the number of cells within a range that contain numeric values.📌 Purpose: The COUNT function determines the count of cells with numerical data in a range. It helps analyze data and perform calculations based on the available numeric values.📌 Syntax … Read more

AVERAGE Function in Excel

✨ Introduce📌 Definition: The AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of values.📌 Purpose: The AVERAGE function determines the average value of a set of numbers.📌 Syntax & Arguments:syntaxAVERAGE(number1, [number2], […]) 📌 Return Value: The AVERAGE function returns the arithmetic mean of the provided values.📌 Remarks: The AVERAGE function ignores … Read more

SUM function in Excel

✨ SUM Function in Microsoft Excel ✨📌 Definition: The SUM function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in mathematical function that allows you to calculate the sum of a range of numbers or cells. It provides a quick and efficient way to add up values in Excel.🎯 Purpose: The purpose of the SUM function is to … Read more

IF function in Excel

✨ IF Function in Microsoft Excel ✨📌 Definition: The IF function in Microsoft Excel is a powerful logical function that allows you to perform conditional evaluations based on specified criteria. It helps you make decisions and perform different calculations or actions depending on whether a condition is met.🎯 Purpose: The IF function aims to automate … Read more

Modbus programming in C# including example code for both TCP and RTU communication

Introduction to advanced Modbus programming in C# includes example code for TCP and RTU communication, covering additional functionalities such as writing data and handling exceptions.Example Code for TCP Communication:csharpusing Modbus.Device; using System; using System.Net.Sockets; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string ipAddress = “”; // IP address of the Modbus device int port … Read more

Modbus programming in C#

Modbus is a widely used communication protocol in industrial automation. It allows communication between programmable logic controllers (PLCs), sensors, and human-machine interfaces (HMIs). In C#, you can use libraries or implement Modbus communication from scratch using the .NET framework.To get started, you’ll need to install the NModbus library, which provides easy-to-use functions for Modbus communication … Read more