IFLOGICAL Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1. Introduce – IFLOGICAL Function in Microsoft Excel: 🌟

Definition: The IFLOGICAL function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that allows you to evaluate a logical expression and return different results based on whether the logical condition is true or false. It helps in performing conditional calculations and making decisions based on specified criteria.

Purpose: The purpose of the IFLOGICAL function is to perform logical tests on given conditions and return results accordingly. It enables you to handle different scenarios and customize the output based on the outcome of the logical expression.

Syntax & Arguments: The syntax of the IFLOGICAL function is as follows:

IFLOGICAL(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
  • logical_test: The logical expression or condition that you want to evaluate. It can be a comparison, text, numerical, or reference expression.
  • value_if_true: The value or result you want to return if the logical_test is true.
  • value_if_false: The value or result you want to return if the logical_test is false.

Explain the Arguments in the function:

  • logical_test: This argument is the logical expression or condition you want to evaluate. The logical_test can be a comparison using operators such as “=”, “<>”, “>”, “<“, “>=”, “<=”, as well as logical functions like AND, OR, NOT, etc.

  • value_if_true: This argument specifies the value or result that will be returned if true. It can be a number, text, cell reference, formula, or any other valid Excel value.

  • value_if_false: This argument specifies the value or result that will be returned if false. It can be a number, text, cell reference, formula, or any valid Excel value.

Return value:

  • The IFLOGICAL function returns the value_if_true if the logical_test evaluates to true.
  • If the logical_test evaluates to false, the IFLOGICAL function returns the value_if_false.


  • You can nest multiple IFLOGICAL functions together to handle complex conditional calculations in Excel.
  • The IFLOGICAL function is versatile and widely used to customize outputs, analyze data, and decide based on specific conditions.
  • Ensure that the logical expression in the logical_test argument is well-constructed to provide accurate results.

🌟 Part 2. Examples of IFLOGICAL Function in Excel: 🌟

Example 1: Discount Calculation

Let’s calculate the discount for different products based on their prices using the IFLOGICAL function:

2Product A$120=IFLOGICAL(B2>=100, B2*0.1, IF(B2>=50, B2*0.05, 0))
3Product B$75=IFLOGICAL(B3>=100, B3*0.1, IF(B3>=50, B3*0.05, 0))
4Product C$40=IFLOGICAL(B4>=100, B4*0.1, IF(B4>=50, B4*0.05, 0))


  • We have a table with product data, including the product prices.
  • The IFLOGICAL function evaluates the price of each product using different conditions:
    • If the price equals or exceeds $100, a discount of 10% is applied.
    • If the price is less than $100 but greater than or equal to $50, a value of 5% is applied.
    • Otherwise, no discount is used if the price is less than $50 (0).
  • The IFLOGICAL function then returns the calculated value based on the conditions.

Example 2: Student Grades

Let’s evaluate the grades of students based on their exam scores using the IFLOGICAL function:

1StudentExam 1Exam 2Grade
2John8590=IFLOGICAL(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=90, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=80, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=70, "C", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=60, "D", "F"))))
3Alice7885=IFLOGICAL(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=90, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=80, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=70, "C", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=60, "D", "F"))))
4Bob9268=IFLOGICAL(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=90, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=80, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=70, "C", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=60, "D", "F"))))


  • We have a table with student exam scores in two exams.
  • The IFLOGICAL function calculates the average score for each student using the AVERAGE function.
  • It then evaluates the grade based on the average score:
    • If the average score is 90 or above, the student gets an “A.”
    • If the average score is between 80 and 89, the student receives a “B.”
    • If the average score is between 70 and 79, the student gets a “C.”
    • If the average score is between 60 and 69, the student gets a “D.”
    • Otherwise, if the average score is below 60, the student gets an “F.”

Example 3: Product Category

Let’s categorize products based on their sales using the IFLOGICAL function:

2Product A$5000=IFLOGICAL(B2>=5000, "High", IF(B2>=3000, "Medium", "Low"))
3Product B$2800=IFLOGICAL(B3>=5000, "High", IF(B3>=3000, "Medium", "Low"))
4Product C$3200=IFLOGICAL(B4>=5000, "High", IF(B4>=3000, "Medium", "Low"))


  • We have a table with product data, including the sales amount for each product.
  • The IFLOGICAL function categorizes products based on their sales amount:
    • If the sales amount is equal to or greater than $5000, the product is classified as “High.”
    • If the sales amount is less than $5000 but more excellent than or equal to $3000, the product is categorized as “Medium.”
    • Otherwise, if the sales amount is less than $3000, the product is categorized as “Low.”
  • The IFLOGICAL function then returns the corresponding category based on the sales amount.

Example 4: Monthly Bonus Calculation

Let’s calculate the monthly bonus for employees based on their performance and position in the company:

1EmployeePositionSalesBonus RateMonthly Bonus
2JohnManager$15000=IFLOGICAL(B2="Manager", IF(SUM(C2)>=20000, 0.15, IF(SUM(C2)>=15000, 0.1, 0)), 0)=IFLOGICAL(D2>0, D2*SUM(C2), "No Bonus")
3AliceAssociate$8000=IFLOGICAL(B3="Manager", IF(SUM(C3)>=20000, 0.15, IF(SUM(C3)>=15000, 0.1, 0)), IF(SUM(C3)>=10000, 0.05, 0))=IFLOGICAL(D3>0, D3*SUM(C3), "No Bonus")
4BobManager$18000=IFLOGICAL(B4="Manager", IF(SUM(C4)>=20000, 0.15, IF(SUM(C4)>=15000, 0.1, 0)), 0)=IFLOGICAL(D4>0, D4*SUM(C4), "No Bonus")


  • We have a table with employee data, including their position and sales performance.
  • The IFLOGICAL function evaluates the bonus rate based on the employee’s position and sales performance:
    • If the employee is a Manager and their sales are $20,000 or more, the bonus rate is 15%. If the sales are between $15,000 and $20,000, the bonus rate is 10%. Otherwise, the bonus rate is 0%.
    • If the employee is an Associate and their sales are $10,000 or more, the bonus rate is 5%. Otherwise, the bonus rate is 0%.
  • The Monthly Bonus is calculated by multiplying the Bonus Rate by each employee’s total sales (SUM(C2:C4)). If there is no bonus applicable, it displays “No Bonus.”

Example 5: Expense Budget Management

Let’s track expenses against the allocated budget for different expense categories:

1CategoryBudgetExpenseRemaining BudgetStatus
2Office Supplies$500$300=IFLOGICAL(B2>C2, B2-C2, "Over Budget")=IFLOGICAL(D2>0, "Under Budget", "On Budget")
3Marketing$1000$1200=IFLOGICAL(B3>C3, B3-C3, "Over Budget")=IFLOGICAL(D3>0, "Under Budget", "On Budget")
4Travel$2000$1800=IFLOGICAL(B4>C4, B4-C4, "Over Budget")=IFLOGICAL(D4>0, "Under Budget", "On Budget")


  • We have a table with expense data, including the allocated budget and expenses for different categories.
  • The IFLOGICAL function calculates the remaining budget for each category by subtracting the actual expenses from the allocated budget. If there is a surplus, it displays the remaining budget; otherwise, it shows “Over Budget.”
  • The Status column uses the IFLOGICAL function to evaluate whether the category is “Under Budget” (if the remaining budget is greater than 0) or “On Budget” (if the remaining budget is 0 or less).

Example 6: Project Progress Tracker

Let’s track the progress of projects based on the number of completed tasks:

2Project A105=IFLOGICAL(B2>0, C2/B2, 0)=IFLOGICAL(D2>0.5, "On Track", "Behind")
3Project B1512=IFLOGICAL(B3>0, C3/B3, 0)=IFLOGICAL(D3>0.5, "On Track", "Behind")
4Project C82=IFLOGICAL(B4>0, C4/B4, 0)=IFLOGICAL(D4>0.5, "On Track", "Behind")


  • We have a table with project data, including the total number of tasks and the number of completed tasks.
  • The IFLOGICAL function calculates the progress of each project by dividing the number of completed tasks (C2:C4) by the total number of functions (B2:B4). If there are no tasks, it shows 0.
  • The Status column uses the IFLOGICAL function to evaluate whether the project is “On Track” (if the progress is more significant than 50%) or “Behind” (if the improvement is 50% or less).

Example 7: Stock Portfolio Analysis

Let’s analyze the performance of a stock portfolio based on the change in stock prices:

1StockPriceChange (%)Status
2Stock A$10010=IFLOGICAL(C2>=0, "Up", "Down")
3Stock B$50-5=IFLOGICAL(C3>=0, "Up", "Down")
4Stock C$800=IFLOGICAL(C4>=0, "Up", "Down")


  • We have a table with stock data, including the stock price and the percentage change in stock prices.
  • The IFLOGICAL function evaluates whether the change percentage is positive or negative:
    • If the change percentage is greater than or equal to 0, it shows “Up.”
    • If the change percentage is less than 0, it shows “Down.”
  • The Status column indicates whether each stock’s price is going “Up” or “Down” based on the change percentage.

Example 8: Employee Evaluation

Let’s evaluate employees’ performance based on their achievements and attendance:

2John80%90%=IFLOGICAL(AND(B2>=75, C2>=85), "Outstanding", IF(AND(B2>=65, C2>=75), "Satisfactory", "Needs Improvement"))
3Alice70%80%=IFLOGICAL(AND(B3>=75, C3>=85), "Outstanding", IF(AND(B3>=65, C3>=75), "Satisfactory", "Needs Improvement"))
4Bob60%70%=IFLOGICAL(AND(B4>=75, C4>=85), "Outstanding", IF(AND(B4>=65, C4>=75), "Satisfactory", "Needs Improvement"))


  • We have a table with employee data, including their achievements and attendance percentages.
  • The IFLOGICAL function evaluates employees’ performance based on the following criteria:
    • If the achievement is 75% or above and attendance is 85% or above, the performance is “Outstanding.”
    • If the achievement is 65% or above and attendance is 75% or above, the performance is “Satisfactory.”
    • Otherwise, the performance “Needs Improvement.”
  • The Evaluation column shows the evaluation based on the performance.

Example 9: Project Priority

Let’s prioritize projects based on their impact and urgency:

2Project AHighMedium=IFLOGICAL(AND(A2="High", B2="Medium"), "High", IF(AND(A2="High", B2="Low"), "Medium", "Low"))
3Project BLowHigh=IFLOGICAL(AND(A3="High", B3="Medium"), "High", IF(AND(A3="High", B3="Low"), "Medium", "Low"))
4Project CMediumLow=IFLOGICAL(AND(A4="High", B4="Medium"), "High", IF(AND(A4="High", B4="Low"), "Medium", "Low"))


  • We have a table with project data, including the impact and urgency levels.
  • The IFLOGICAL function prioritizes projects based on their impact and urgency using the following criteria:
    • If the effect is “High” and urgency is “Medium,” the priority is “High.”
    • If the product is “High” and urgency is “Low,” the focus is “Medium.”
    • Otherwise, the focus is “Low.”

Example 10: Temperature Forecast

Let’s forecast the weather condition based on the temperature:

1CityTemperature (°C)Forecast
2City A25=IFLOGICAL(A2>=30, "Hot", IF(A2>=20, "Moderate", "Cool"))
3City B32=IFLOGICAL(A3>=30, "Hot", IF(A3>=20, "Moderate", "Cool"))
4City C18=IFLOGICAL(A4>=30, "Hot", IF(A4>=20, "Moderate", "Cool"))


  • We have a table with temperature data for different cities.
  • The IFLOGICAL function forecasts the weather condition based on the temperature using the following criteria:
    • If the temperature is 30°C or higher, the forecast is “Hot.”
    • If the temperature is between 20°C and 29°C, the prognosis is “Moderate.”
    • Otherwise, if the temperature is below 20°C, the forecast is “Cool.”

Example 11: Conference Registration Fee

Let’s calculate the registration fee for attendees based on their registration type and early bird discount:

2JohnEarly Bird=IFLOGICAL(B2="Early Bird", 150, IF(B2="Regular", 200, 0))
3AliceRegular=IFLOGICAL(B3="Early Bird", 150, IF(B3="Regular", 200, 0))
4BobGroup Discount=IFLOGICAL(OR(B4="Early Bird", B4="Regular"), 180, 0)


  • We have a table with attendee data, including their registration type.
  • The IFLOGICAL function calculates the registration fee based on the registration type using the following criteria:
    • If the registration type is “Early Bird,” the cost is $150.
    • If the registration type is “Regular,” the price is $200.
    • If the registration type is “Group Discount” (assuming it applies to either “Early Bird” or “Regular”), the fee is $180.

Example 12: Exam Grading Scheme (Correct Function)

Let’s assign grades to students based on their exam scores:



  • We have a table with student exam scores.
  • The IFLOGICAL function assigns grades to students based on the following criteria:
    • If the score is 90 or above, the quality is “A.”
    • If the score is between 80 and 89, the quality is “B.”
    • If the score is between 70 and 79, the quality is “C.”
    • If the score is between 60 and 69, the quality is “D.”
    • Otherwise, if the score is below 60, the quality is “F.”

Note: This example has been corrected to use the IFLOGICAL function for grading.

🌟 Part 3. Tips and Tricks: 🌟

  • When using the IFLOGICAL function, ensure that the logical expression in the logical_test the argument is constructed correctly to provide accurate results.
  • To handle multiple conditions, you can nest numerous IFLOGICAL functions together or use other logical functions like AND, OR, and NOT to create complex logical expressions.
  • Consider using cell references or named ranges in your formulas to make them more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Test your IFLOGICAL formulas with different scenarios to verify the expected results and identify potential errors.
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight cells based on the results of your IFLOGICAL function, making the data more visually informative.
  • The IFLOGICAL function is powerful when combined with other Excel functions to create dynamic and responsive spreadsheets.