REPLACE Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1: Introduce

Definition: The REPLACE function in Microsoft Excel replaces a specified number of characters in a text string with new characters. It allows you to modify Text within a cell based on specific criteria.

Purpose: The purpose of the REPLACE function is to make changes to Text by replacing a portion of the original Text with new Text. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as updating part of a text string, correcting errors, or formatting Text based on certain conditions.

Syntax & Arguments: The syntax of the REPLACE function is as follows:

REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)
  • old_text: This is the original Text or cell reference containing the Text you want to modify.
  • start_num: This specifies the position within the old_text where the replacement should begin.
  • num_chars: This indicates the number of characters you want to replace from the start_num position.
  • new_text: This is the new or replacement Text you want to insert in place of the old_text.

Return value: The REPLACE function returns a modified text string with the specified replacement applied.


  • The start_num The argument must be a positive number indicating the position of the first character to be replaced. It cannot be zero or negative.
  • The num_chars argument determines the number of characters to be replaced. If set to zero, no characters are replaced and inserted at the specified position.
  • The new_text argument can be of any length and include Text, numbers, or special characters.

🌟 Part 2: Examples

Let’s go through three examples demonstrating the usage of the REPLACE function:

1️⃣ Example 1: Replacing Text in a Cell

1Original TextModified Text
2Hello, world!=REPLACE(A2, 7, 5, “universe”)
3Excel is great!=REPLACE(A3, 7, 2, “was”)

In this example, we have some original text in column A, and we want to replace some of that Text with new Text using the REPLACE function. The modified Text is displayed in column B.

  • The formula =REPLACE(A2, 7, 5, "universe") cell B2 replaces the Text starting from the 7th position in the original text “Hello, world!” with the word “universe”. The result is “Hello, universe!”.
  • The formula in cell B3 replaces the Text starting from the 7th position in the original text “Excel is great!” with the word “was”. The result is “Excel was great!”.

2️⃣ Example 2: Conditional Text Replacement

2AppleIn Stock
3BananaOut of Stock
4Orange=IF(A4=”Banana”, REPLACE(“Out of Stock”, 1, 3, “Sold”), “In Stock”)

In this example, we have a list of products in column A, and we want to determine their stock status using the REPLACE function based on certain conditions. The status is displayed in column B.

  • The formula =IF(A4="Banana", REPLACE("Out of Stock", 1, 3, "Sold"), "In Stock") cell B4 checks if the product in cell A4 is a “Banana”. If it is, it replaces the text “Out” in the default status “Out of Stock” with the word “Sold” using the REPLACE function. The result is “Sold of Stock”. If the product is not “Banana”, it displays “In Stock” as the default status.

3️⃣ Example 3: Updating Part of a Text String

1Original TextModified Text
2Report_2021.pdf=REPLACE(A2, SEARCH(“_”, A2), 1, ” “)
3Document_V1.doc=REPLACE(A3, SEARCH(“_V”, A3), 2, ” Revision “)

In this example, we have some file names in column A, and we want to update part of the Text using the REPLACE function. The modified Text is displayed in column B.

  • The formula =REPLACE(A2, SEARCH("_", A2), 1, " ") in the cell, using the REPLACE function, B2 replaces the underscore “_” in the original text “Report_2021.pdf” with a space character. The result is “Report 2021.pdf”.
  • The formula in cell B3 replaces the “_V” in the original text “Document_V1.doc” with the phrase ” Revision ” using the REPLACE function. The result is “Document Revision 1.doc”.


4️⃣ Example 4: Formatting Phone Numbers

1Phone NumberFormatted Number
21234567890=REPLACE(A2, 7, 0, “-“)
39876543210=REPLACE(A3, 4, 0, “-“)
45551234567=REPLACE(A4, 4, 0, “-“)

In this example, we have phone numbers in column A, and we want to format them by adding a hyphen (“-“) at a specific position using the REPLACE function.

  • The formula =REPLACE(A2, 7, 0, "-") cell B2 adds a hyphen at the 7th position of the phone number “1234567890”. The result is “1234567-890”.
  • The procedure in cell B3 adds a hyphen at the 4th position of the phone number “9876543210”.
  • Similarly, the formula in cell B4 adds a hyphen at the 4th position of the phone number “5551234567”.

5️⃣ Example 5: Fixing Incorrect Dates

1Incorrect DateFixed Date
220210501=REPLACE(REPLACE(A2, 5, 0, “-“), 8, 0, “-“)
320220315=REPLACE(REPLACE(A3, 5, 0, “-“), 8, 0, “-“)
420201230=REPLACE(REPLACE(A4, 5, 0, “-“), 8, 0, “-“)

In this example, we have incorrectly formatted dates in column A, where the year, month, and day are combined without separators. We want to fix the dates by adding hyphens (“-“) at appropriate positions using the REPLACE function.

  • The formula =REPLACE(REPLACE(A2, 5, 0, "-"), 8, 0, "-") in cell B2 adds hyphens at the 5th and 8th positions of the date “20210501”. The result is “2021-05-01”.
  • The formula in cell B3 fixes the date “20220315”.
  • Similarly, the formula in cell B4 fixes the date “20201230”.

6️⃣ Example 6: Data Masking

1Sensitive DataMasked Data
21234567890=REPLACE(A2, 1, LEN(A2)-4, “X”)
39876543210=REPLACE(A3, 1, LEN(A3)-4, “X”)
45551234567=REPLACE(A4, 1, LEN(A4)-4, “X”)

In this example, we have sensitive data in column A, such as phone numbers or ID numbers, and we want to mask the data by replacing all but the last four characters with “X” using the REPLACE function.

  • The formula =REPLACE(A2, 1, LEN(A2)-4, "X") cell B2 replaces all but the last four characters of the sensitive data “1234567890” with “X.” The result is “XXXXXXXX90”.
  • The formula in cell B3 masks the sensitive data “9876543210”.
  • Similarly, the formula in cell B4 masks the sensitive data “5551234567”.

7️⃣ Example 7: Correcting Formatting Errors

1Original TextCorrected Text
22021-01-01=REPLACE(A2, 6, 1, “”)
3January 15, 2022=REPLACE(A3, SEARCH(“,”, A3), 1, “”)
401/01/2023=REPLACE(A4, 3, 1, “”)

In this example, we have incorrectly formatted Text in column A, and we want to correct the formatting errors using the REPLACE function.

  • The formula =REPLACE(A2, 6, 1, "") in cell B2 removes the hyphen at the 6th position in the original text “2021-01-01”. The result is “20210101”.
  • The formula in cell B3 removes the comma and space after the month in the original text “January 15, 2022”.
  • Similarly, the formula in cell B4 removes the slash at the 3rd position in the original text “01/01/2023”.

These examples showcase how the REPLACE function can be used in different business scenarios to format data, fix errors, mask sensitive information, and correct formatting issues.

🌟 Part 3: Tips and Tricks

  • The start_num the argument can be dynamic using a cell reference instead of a fixed value. This allows you to adjust the starting position based on different criteria.
  • The num_chars the argument can also be dynamic by using a formula to calculate the number of characters to replace. This provides flexibility in replacing varying lenText of text.
  • You can use nested SUBSTITUTE functions and the REPLACE function to replace multiple occurrences of a specific text within a cell.

These tips and tricks can help you enhance the usage of the REPLACE function in various business scenarios, allowing you to modify and update text within Text Excel.