UPPER Function in Excel

๐ŸŒŸ Part 1: Introduce

๐Ÿ”น Definition: The UPPER function in Microsoft Excel converts a given text string to uppercase letters. It takes a text string as an argument and returns the exact text string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase.

๐Ÿ”น Purpose: The UPPER function is proper when standardizing text capitalization in your Excel worksheet. It can be used to convert names, titles, or any other text to uppercase, which can be helpful for consistency and formatting purposes.

๐Ÿ”น Syntax & Arguments: The syntax of the UPPER function is as follows:

  • text (required): The text string or reference to a cell containing the text string you want to convert to uppercase.

๐Ÿ”น Explain the Arguments:

  • text: This argument represents the text string you want to convert to uppercase. It can be enclosed in quotation marks directly in the formula or referred to as a cell that contains the text.

๐Ÿ”น Return value: The UPPER function returns the converted text string with all lowercase letters changed to uppercase.

๐Ÿ”น Remarks:

  • The UPPER function is not case-sensitive, so it converts all lowercase letters to uppercase, leaving any uppercase letters unchanged.
  • The function only affects the text formatting and does not modify the underlying data.

โœจ Part 2: Examples

Example 1:ย 

2hello world

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(A2)

Explanation: In this example, the text “hello world” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(A2) in cell B2 converts the lowercase text to uppercase. The result in cell B2 is “HELLO WORLD”.

Example 2:ย 

2excel is fun
3=UPPER(A2 & “!!”)

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(A2 & "!!")

Explanation: In this example, the text “Excel is fun” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(A2 & "!!") in cell B2 appends “!!” to the text string and then converts the entire text to uppercase. The result in cell B2 is “EXCEL IS FUN!!”.

Example 3:ย 

3=UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & “!”

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & "!"

Explanation: In this example, the text “123abc” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & "!" in cell B2 extracts the first 3 characters using the LEFT function, converts them to uppercase using the UPPER function, and then appends “!” to the result. The result in cell B2 is “123!”.

More examples:

Example 1:ย 

2hello world

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(A2)

Explanation: In this example, the text “hello world” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(A2) in cell B2 converts the lowercase text to uppercase. The result in cell B2 is “HELLO WORLD”.

Example 2:ย 

2excel is fun
3=UPPER(A2 & “!!”)

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(A2 & "!!")

Explanation: In this example, the text “Excel is fun” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(A2 & "!!") in cell B2 appends “!!” to the text string and then converts the entire text to uppercase. The result in cell B2 is “EXCEL IS FUN!!”.

Example 3:ย 

3=UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & “!”

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & "!"

Explanation: In this example, the text “123abc” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(LEFT(A2, 3)) & "!" in cell B2 extracts the first 3 characters using the LEFT function, converts them to uppercase using the UPPER function, and then appends “!” to the result. The result in cell B2 is “123!”.

Example 4:ย 


๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(RIGHT(A2, 3))

Explanation: In this example, the text “hello” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(RIGHT(A2, 3)) in cell B2 extracts the last 3 characters using the RIGHT function and converts them to uppercase using the UPPER function. The result in cell B2 is “LLO”.

Example 5:ย 

2today is a great day

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(TRIM(A2))

Explanation: In this example, “Today is a great day” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(TRIM(A2)) in cell B2 trims any leading or trailing spaces using the TRIM function and then converts the entire text to uppercase using the UPPER function. The result in cell B2 is “TODAY IS A GREAT DAY”.

Example 6:ย 

2red, green, blue
3=UPPER(SUBSTITUTE(A2, “,”, “/”))

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(SUBSTITUTE(A2, ",", "/"))

Explanation: In this example, we have the text “red, green, blue” in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(SUBSTITUTE(A2, ",", "/")) in cell B2 replaces all occurrences of comma (“,”) with a forward slash (“/”) using the SUBSTITUTE function and then converts the entire text to uppercase using the UPPER function. The result in cell B2 is “RED/ GREEN/ BLUE”.

Example 7:ย 

2this is a sentence with multiple words
3=UPPER(MID(A2, FIND(” “, A2), LEN(A2)))

๐Ÿ“ Formula: In cell B2, enter =UPPER(MID(A2, FIND(" ", A2), LEN(A2)))

Explanation: In this example, the text “this is a sentence with multiple words” is in cell A2. The formula =UPPER(MID(A2, FIND(" ", A2), LEN(A2))) in cell B2 finds the first space in the text using the FIND function, extracts the remaining portion of the text using the MID function, and converts it to uppercase using the UPPER function. The result in cell B2 is “IS A SENTENCE WITH MULTIPLE WORDS”.

๐ŸŒŸ Part 3: Tips and Tricks

  • The UPPER function is a handy tool for ensuring consistency in capitalizing text in your Excel worksheets.
  • You can combine the UPPER function with functions like LEFT, RIGHT, CONCATENATE, or SUBSTITUTE to manipulate and format text strings in various ways.
  • Remember that the UPPER function only affects the text formatting and does not modify the underlying data.
  • Be mindful of the text length limitations in Excel, as the UPPER function does not change the maximum character limit for a cell.