ISBLANK Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1. Introduce: 🌟

πŸ”” Definition:

The ISBLANK function is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel that checks whether a cell is empty or contains no data. It returns a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) based on whether the specified cell is blank.

πŸ”” Purpose:

The main purpose of the ISBLANK function is to help users identify empty cells or cells without any data. It is commonly used in Excel formulas and conditional formatting to perform actions or apply specific formatting based on whether a cell is blank.

πŸ”” Syntax & Arguments:

The syntax of the ISBLANK function is as follows:

  • value: The cell reference or range that you want to check for blankness.

πŸ”” Explain the Arguments in the Function:

  • value: This argument is mandatory and represents the cell or range you want to evaluate. The ISBLANK function will check this cell or range to determine if it is empty. The value can be a cell reference (e.g., A1) or a range (e.g., A1:C10).

πŸ”” Return Value:

The ISBLANK function returns a logical value:

  • TRUE: If the specified cell is empty (contains no data).
  • FALSE: If the specified cell is not empty (contains data).

πŸ”” Remarks:

  • The ISBLANK function considers cells containing formulas that return empty strings (“”) as not blank. So, if a cell contains an empty string, the Function will return FALSE.
  • To check for cells containing formulas that return empty strings as blank, use the following formula: =IF(value="", TRUE, FALSE).
  • If the value argument refers to an error cell (e.g., #N/A, #VALUE!, etc.), the ISBLANK function will return FALSE.

🌟 Part 2. Examples of ISBLANK Function: 🌟

In these examples, we will use the ISBLANK function and other functions to demonstrate its usage in different scenarios. Let’s illustrate each example using an Excel spreadsheet:

🌼 Example 1: Employee Data Check

1Employee IDFirst NameLast NameStatus
2101JohnSmith=IF(ISBLANK(A2), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")
3102Anderson=IF(ISBLANK(B3), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")
4Mary=IF(ISBLANK(A4&B4), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")


  • We have a table with employee data, including Employee ID, First Name, and Last Name.
  • In the “Status” column, we use the ISBLANK function to check if specific cells are blank:
    • In cell D2, we check if the Employee ID (cell A2) is blank. If empty, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”
    • In cell D3, we check if the First Name (cell B3) is blank. If it is blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”
    • In cell D4, we check if the Employee ID (cell A4) and First Name (cell B4) are blank. If either or both are blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”

🌼 Example 2: Inventory Check

1Product IDProduct NameQuantityStatus
2PROD001Pen100=IF(ISBLANK(A2:C2), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")
3PROD00250=IF(ISBLANK(A3:C3), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")
4Notebook=IF(ISBLANK(A4:C4), "Incomplete Data", "Complete Data")


  • We have a table with product data, including Product ID, Product Name, and Quantity.
  • In the “Status” column, we use the ISBLANK function to check if specific rows have incomplete data (i.e., blank cells):
    • In cell D2, we check if any cell in row 2 (A2 to C2) is blank. If any cell is blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”
    • In cell D3, we check if any cell in row 3 (A3 to C3) is blank. If any cell is blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”
    • In cell D4, we check if any cell in row 4 (A4 to C4) is blank. If any cell is blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data”; otherwise, it replaces “Complete Data.”

🌼 Example 3: Project Deadline Check

1Project NameStart DateEnd DateStatus
2Project A2023-07-012023-07-31=IF(ISBLANK(A2:C2), "Incomplete Data", IF(C2<B2, "Invalid Dates", "Complete Data"))
3Project B2023-08-15=IF(ISBLANK(A3:C3), "Incomplete Data", IF(C3<B3, "Invalid Dates", "Complete Data"))
42023-09-01=IF(ISBLANK(A4:C4), "Incomplete Data", IF(C4<B4, "Invalid Dates", "Complete Data"))


  • We have a table with project data, including Project Name, Start Date, and End Date.
  • In the “Status” column, we use the ISBLANK function to check if specific rows have incomplete data (i.e., blank cells) and also validate the dates:
    • In cell D2, we first check if any cell in row 2 (A2 to C2) is blank. If any cell is blank, the formula returns “Incomplete Data.” Otherwise, if the End Date (cell C2) is earlier than the Start Date (cell B2), the formula returns “Invalid Dates.” If both conditions are false, it replaces “Complete Data.”
    • In cell D3, we apply the same logic as in D2 to check for incomplete data and validate the dates for Project B.
    • In cell D4, we apply the same logic as in D2 to check for incomplete data and validate the dates for Project C.


🌼 Example 4: Sales Commission Calculation

Let’s calculate the sales commission for each salesperson based on their sales amount:

1SalespersonSales AmountCommission
2John$5,000=IF(ISBLANK(B2), "No Sales", IF(B2>=5000, B2*0.1, B2*0.05))
3Alice=IF(ISBLANK(B3), "No Sales", IF(B3>=5000, B3*0.1, B3*0.05))
4Bob$7,500=IF(ISBLANK(B4), "No Sales", IF(B4>=5000, B4*0.1, B4*0.05))


  • We have a table with sales data, including Salesperson names and their corresponding Sales Amount.
  • The “Commission” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the Sales Amount (column B) is blank:
    • If the Sales Amount is blank, it displays “No Sales.”
    • If the Sales Amount is not blank and is greater than or equal to $5,000, the formula calculates a 10% commission based on the sales amount (B2*0.1).
    • If the Sales Amount is not blank and is less than $5,000, the formula calculates a 5% commission based on the sales amount (B2*0.05).

🌼 Example 5: Expense Reimbursement

Let’s calculate the total expense reimbursement for each employee:

1EmployeeExpense 1Expense 2Total Reimbursement
2John$100$50=IF(ISBLANK(B2:C2), "No Expenses", SUM(B2:C2))
3Alice$75=IF(ISBLANK(B3:C3), "No Expenses", SUM(B3:C3))
4Bob$200=IF(ISBLANK(B4:C4), "No Expenses", SUM(B4:C4))


  • We have a table with employee expenses, including Expense 1 and Expense 2.
  • The “Total Reimbursement” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if either Expense 1 or Expense 2 (columns B and C) is blank:
    • If both expenses are blank, it displays “No Expenses.”
    • If at least one expense is not blank, the formula calculates the total reimbursement by summing Expense 1 and Expense 2 (SUM(B2:C2) for John, SUM(B3:C3) for Alice, and SUM(B4:C4) for Bob).

🌼 Example 6: Student Exam Results

Let’s calculate the average score for each student and determine if they passed or failed the exam:

1StudentScore 1Score 2Result
2John8085=IF(ISBLANK(B2:C2), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=80, "Pass", "Fail"))
3Alice75=IF(ISBLANK(B3:C3), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=80, "Pass", "Fail"))
4Bob90=IF(ISBLANK(B4:C4), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=80, "Pass", "Fail"))


  • We have a table with student exam scores, including Score 1 and Score 2.
  • The “Result” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if either Score 1 or Score 2 (columns B and C) is blank:
    • If both scores are blank, it displays “Incomplete Scores.”
    • If at least one score is not blank, the formula calculates the average score using AVERAGE(B2:C2) for John, AVERAGE(B3:C3) for Alice, and AVERAGE(B4:C4) for Bob. Then, it determines if the average score is 80 or higher, displaying “Pass” if true or “Fail” if false.

🌼 Example 7: Inventory Status

Let’s check the availability of products in inventory and display their Status:

1Product IDProduct NameQuantityStatus
2PROD001Pen50=IF(ISBLANK(C2), "No Quantity", IF(C2>0, "In Stock", "Out of Stock"))
3PROD0020=IF(ISBLANK(C3), "No Quantity", IF(C3>0, "In Stock", "Out of Stock"))
4Notebook=IF(ISBLANK(C4), "No Quantity", IF(C4>0, "In Stock", "Out of Stock"))


  • We have a table with product data, including Product ID, Product Name, and Quantity in inventory.
  • The “Status” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the Quantity (column C) is blank:
    • If the Quantity is blank, it displays “No Quantity.”
    • If the Quantity is not blank or greater than 0, it says “In Stock.”
    • If the Quantity is not blank but is 0, it says “Out of Stock.”

🌼 Example 8: Book Catalog

Let’s create a book catalog and check if the book is available or needs to be ordered:

1Book IDBook TitleIn StockStatus
2BK001Book AYes=IF(ISBLANK(C2), "No Data", IF(C2="Yes", "Available", "Order"))
3BK002No=IF(ISBLANK(C3), "No Data", IF(C3="Yes", "Available", "Order"))
4Book C=IF(ISBLANK(C4), "No Data", IF(C4="Yes", "Available", "Order"))


  • We have a table with book information, including Book ID, Book Title, and whether the book is in stock (“Yes” or “No”).
  • The “Status” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the “In Stock” status (column C) is blank:
    • If the Status is blank, it displays “No Data.”
    • If the Status is not blank and is “Yes,” it says “Available.”
    • If the Status is not blank but is “No,” it says “Order.”

🌼 Example 9: Project Task Status

Let’s create a project task list and check the completion status of each task:

1Task IDTask NameStatusStatus Details
2TSK001Task ACompleted=IF(ISBLANK(C2), "No Status", IF(C2="Completed", "Good Job!", "Incomplete"))
3TSK002In Progress=IF(ISBLANK(C3), "No Status", IF(C3="Completed", "Good Job!", "Incomplete"))
4Task C=IF(ISBLANK(C4), "No Status", IF(C4="Completed", "Good Job!", "Incomplete"))


  • We have a table with project task details, including Task ID, Task Name, and the completion status (“Completed,” “In Progress,” or blank for incomplete tasks).
  • The “Status Details” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the Status (column C) is blank:
    • If the Status is blank, it displays “No Status.”
    • If the Status is not blank and is “Completed,” it says, “Good Job!”
    • If the Status is not blank but is “In Progress” or any other value, it says “Incomplete.”

🌼 Example 10: Grade Calculator

Let’s calculate the final grades of students based on their assignment scores:

1StudentAssignment 1Assignment 2Final Grade
2John8590=IF(ISBLANK(B2:C2), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=80, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=70, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>=60, "C", "D"))))
3Alice75=IF(ISBLANK(B3:C3), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=80, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=70, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3)>=60, "C", "D"))))
4Bob90=IF(ISBLANK(B4:C4), "Incomplete Scores", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=80, "A", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=70, "B", IF(AVERAGE(B4:C4)>=60, "C", "D"))))


  • We have a table with student assignment scores, including Assignment 1 and Assignment 2.
  • The “Final Grade” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if either Assignment 1 or Assignment 2 (columns B and C) is blank:
    • If both scores are blank, it displays “Incomplete Scores.”
    • If at least one score is not blank, the formula calculates the average score using AVERAGE(B2:C2) for John, AVERAGE(B3:C3) for Alice, and AVERAGE(B4:C4) for Bob. Then, it determines the final grade based on the average score:
      • The average score of 80 or higher displays “A.”
      • If the average score is between 70 and 79, it displays “B.”
      • If the average score is between 60 and 69, it says “C.”
      • If the average score is below 60, it shows a “D.”

🌼 Example 11: Task Completion Status

Let’s check the completion status of tasks in a project:

1Task IDTask NameStatusStatus Details
2TSK001Task ACompleted=IF(ISBLANK(C2), "No Status", IF(C2="Completed", "Task Completed", "Task Incomplete"))
3TSK002In Progress=IF(ISBLANK(C3), "No Status", IF(C3="Completed", "Task Completed", "Task Incomplete"))
4Task C=IF(ISBLANK(C4), "No Status", IF(C4="Completed", "Task Completed", "Task Incomplete"))


  • We have a table with project task details, including Task ID, Task Name, and the completion status (“Completed,” “In Progress,” or blank for incomplete tasks).
  • The “Status Details” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the Status (column C) is blank:
    • If the Status is blank, it displays “No Status.”
    • If the Status is not blank and is “Completed,” it says “Task Completed.”
    • If the Status is not blank but is “In Progress” or any other value, it says “Task Incomplete.”

🌼 Example 12: Online Order Status

Let’s check the Status of online orders and their shipment details:

1Order IDProductShipment DateOrder Status
2ORD001Product A2023-07-10=IF(ISBLANK(C2), "No Shipment", IF(C2<TODAY(), "Shipped", "In Transit"))
3ORD0022023-07-15=IF(ISBLANK(C3), "No Shipment", IF(C3<TODAY(), "Shipped", "In Transit"))
4Product C=IF(ISBLANK(C4), "No Shipment", IF(C4<TODAY(), "Shipped", "In Transit"))


  • We have a table with online order details, including Order ID, Product, and Shipment Date.
  • The “Order Status” column uses the ISBLANK function to check if the Shipment Date (column C) is blank:
    • If the Shipment Date is blank, it displays “No Shipment.”
    • If the Shipment Date is not blank and is earlier than the current date (TODAY()), it says “Shipped.”
    • If the Shipment Date is not blank but is on or after the current date, it says “In Transit.”

🌟 Part 3. Tips and Tricks: 🌟

  • The ISBLANK function is a versatile tool to check for blank cells or missing data in various scenarios.
  • Use nested IF functions with ISBLANK to create complex logical expressions and handle different conditions.
  • Remember to format cells appropriately to display the results of the ISBLANK function in a user-friendly manner.
  • Always verify and test your formulas with various data to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Combine ISBLANK with other functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and TODAY to perform more advanced calculations based on data availability.
  • Conditional formatting can be used to visually highlight cells with missing data based on the results of the ISBLANK function.