TRUE Function in Excel

๐Ÿ”” Part 1. Introduce:

Definition: The TRUE function in Microsoft Excel ๐Ÿ“Š is a simple logical function that returns the logical value “TRUE.”

Purpose: The purpose of the TRUE function is to supply the value “TRUE” directly in a formula or to represent logical values in Excel calculations.

Syntax & Arguments: ๐Ÿงพ The syntax of the TRUE function is as follows:


Explain the Arguments in the Function: The TRUE function takes no arguments. It is written without parentheses.

Return Value: The TRUE function always returns the logical value “TRUE,” represented TRUE in Excel.


  • The TRUE function does not perform any calculations or logical tests. Its primary purpose is to return the constant logical value “TRUE.”
  • When used in logical tests or comparisons with other values or functions, “TRUE” is treated as 1.

๐Ÿ”” Part 2. Examples:

๐Ÿ”” Example 1: Employee Performance Evaluation

2John85=IF(B2>=70, TRUE(), FALSE())
3Lisa60=IF(B3>=70, TRUE(), FALSE())
4Mike95=IF(B4>=70, TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of employee names in column A. The cell values in column B are the performance scores. The formula in column C checks if the score is greater than or equal to 70 (passing score). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating that the employee passed the evaluation.

๐Ÿ”” Example 2: Sales Targets

1ProductSales (Units)Achieved
2Product X1000=IF(B2>=800, TRUE(), FALSE())
3Product Y600=IF(B3>=800, TRUE(), FALSE())
4Product Z1200=IF(B4>=800, TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of product names in column A. The cell values in column B are the sales targets (in units). The formula in column C checks if the sales target is achieved (800 units or more). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating that the sales target is achieved.

๐Ÿ”” Example 3: Membership Status

2John Doe2023-06-30=IF(B2>=TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())
3Jane Smith2023-08-15=IF(B3>=TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())
4Mike Johnson2023-05-10=IF(B4>=TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of member names in column A. The cell values in column B are the subscription expiration dates. The formula in column C checks if the subscription is still active (expiration date is greater than or equal to today’s date). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating the active membership.

๐Ÿ”” Example 4: Meeting Attendance

2Meeting XYes=IF(B2="Yes", TRUE(), FALSE())
3Meeting YNo=IF(B3="Yes", TRUE(), FALSE())
4Meeting ZYes=IF(B4="Yes", TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of meeting names in column A. The cell values in column B indicate whether attendees were present (“Yes” or “No”). The formula in column C checks if the attendee was current (marked as “Yes”). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating that the attendee was present.

๐Ÿ”” Example 5: Inventory Status

1ProductStock LevelAvailable
2Product X10=IF(B2>0, TRUE(), FALSE())
3Product Y0=IF(B3>0, TRUE(), FALSE())
4Product Z5=IF(B4>0, TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of product names in column A. The cell values in column B are the stock levels. The formula in column C checks if the product is available (stock level is greater than 0). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating that the product is available.

๐Ÿ”” Example 6: Payment Status

1InvoiceAmount DuePaid
2Inv-001$100=IF(B2=0, TRUE(), FALSE())
3Inv-002$0=IF(B3=0, TRUE(), FALSE())
4Inv-003$50=IF(B4=0, TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of invoice numbers in column A. The cell values in column B are the amounts due. The formula in column C checks if the invoice is paid (the amount owing is 0). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating that the invoice is paid.

๐Ÿ”” Example 7: Warranty Expiry

1ProductWarranty EndExpired
2Product X2022-12-31=IF(B2<TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())
3Product Y2023-07-31=IF(B3<TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())
4Product Z2021-10-15=IF(B4<TODAY(), TRUE(), FALSE())

Explanation: In this example, we have a list of product names in column A. The cell values in column B are the warranty end dates. The formula in column C checks if the warranty has expired (the warranty end date is earlier than today’s date). If the condition is met, the cell will display “TRUE,” indicating the expired warranty.

๐Ÿ”” Part 3. Tips and Tricks:

  • The TRUE function is handy when you want to return a logical value of “TRUE” due to a specific condition in a formula.
  • Remember that when the TRUE function is used in logical tests or comparisons with other values or functions, “TRUE” is treated as 1.
  • Always be cautious when nesting functions, as complex formulas, may become difficult to understand and maintain. Use explicit comments to document your formulas for easier comprehension.