ISEVEN Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1: Introduce 🌟

➡️ Definition: The ISEVEN function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that checks whether a given number is even or not. It returns TRUE if the number is even and FALSE if it is odd.

➡️ Purpose: The primary purpose of the ISEVEN function is to determine the evenness of a numeric value in Excel. It is beneficial when dealing with datasets that require categorizing or filtering based on even or odd values.

➡️ Syntax & Arguments: The syntax of the ISEVEN function is as follows:

  • number: The numeric value or reference to the cell containing the value you want to check for evenness.

➡️ Explain the Arguments in the Function:

  • number: This is the required argument, representing the numeric value you want to check for evenness. It can be an actual number or a cell reference containing the number.

➡️ Return Value: The ISEVEN function returns the logical value TRUE if the input number is even and FALSE if the number is odd.

➡️ Remarks:

  • The ISEVEN function differs from the MOD function, which can also be used to determine evenness. Still, the ISEVEN function provides a more straightforward way to perform this check.
  • When using the ISEVEN function, the input number does not have to be a whole number. Based on their integer portion, decimal values will be evaluated as even or odd.
  • If the input is not numeric, the ISEVEN function will return the #VALUE! Error.

🌟 Part 2: Examples 🌟

1️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and SUM:

2NumberCategoryIs Even?
38“Apples”=IF(ISEVEN(A3), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with numbers (column A) and corresponding categories (column B).
  • In cell C3, we use the ISEVEN function to check if the number in A3 is even.
  • Since A3 contains the number 8, which is even, the ISEVEN function returns TRUE, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the ISEVEN function returns TRUE since 10 is an even number, and the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • In cell C5, the number is 3.5, a decimal value. However, the ISEVEN function only evaluates the integer portion, so it is considered even. Cell C5 displays “Yes.”

2️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and VLOOKUP:

2NumberCategoryIs Even?
37“Apples”=IF(ISEVEN(VLOOKUP(A3, F3:G5, 2, FALSE)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with numbers (column A) and corresponding categories (column B).
  • We also have a lookup table in columns F and G to check if a number belongs to the “even” category.
  • In cell C3, we use the ISEVEN function with VLOOKUP to check if the number in A3 exists in the lookup table and is even.
  • Since 7 is not present in the lookup table, the VLOOKUP function returns a #N/A error, and the ISEVEN function detects it as non-numeric (odd), and the IF function displays “No” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the number 12 exists in the lookup table, and it is even. The VLOOKUP function finds “Oranges” as the corresponding category, and the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Similarly, cell C5 displays “Yes” for the number 6 (even), and cell C6 displays “No” for the number 11 (odd).

3️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and AVERAGE:

2Test 1Test 2Is it Even Average?
3510=IF(ISEVEN(AVERAGE(A3:B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • For example, we have a table with test scores (columns A and B).
  • In cell C3, we use the AVERAGE Function to calculate the average test scores in A3 and B3, which is (5 + 10) / 2 = 7.5.
  • The ISEVEN function checks if the average (7.5) is even, which is false, and the IF function displays “No” in cell C3.
  • Cell C4 shows “Yes” as the average of test scores 8 and 6 is 7, an even number.
  • Cell C5 shows “No” as the average of test scores 3 and 9 is 6, an exact number.

4️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and COUNTIF:

2Value 1Value 2Is Even Count?
3610=IF(ISEVEN(COUNTIF(A3:B3, “>5”)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with two sets of values (columns A and B).
  • The COUNTIF function counts the number of values greater than 5 in A3:B3. Since there are two values greater than 5 (6 and 10), the COUNTIF function returns 2.
  • The ISEVEN function checks if the count (2) is even, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, three values are more significant than 5, so the COUNTIF function returns 3. However, 3 is not even, and the IF function displays “No.”
  • In cell C5, there is only one value greater than 5 (7), so the COUNTIF function returns 1. Since 1 is not even, the IF function displays “No.”

5️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and INDEX-MATCH:

2ItemCategoryIs Even a Category?
3AppleFruit=IF(ISEVEN(INDEX(G3:H7, MATCH(A3, G3:G7, 0), 2)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with items (column A) and their corresponding categories (column B).
  • We also have a lookup table in columns G and H, mapping items to categories.
  • The INDEX-MATCH combination retrieves the category for each item and checks if it is even using the ISEVEN function.
  • In cell C3, “Apple” is in the “Fruit” category, and since the “Fruit” category’s position is even (second row in the lookup table), the ISEVEN function returns TRUE, and the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • For “Banana” (also in the “Fruit” category), the category position is odd (first row in the lookup table), so the ISEVEN function returns FALSE, and “No” is displayed.

6️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and AVERAGEIF:

2Test 1Test 2Is it Even Average?
397=IF(ISEVEN(AVERAGEIF(A3:B3, “>5”)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • For example, we have a table with test scores (columns A and B).
  • The AVERAGEIF function calculates the average test scores greater than 5 in A3:B3. For A3:B3, the average is (9 + 7) / 2 = 8.
  • The ISEVEN function checks if the average (8) is even, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the average test scores 6 and 10 is 8, an even number, so the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Cell C5 displays “No” as the average of test scores 3 and 8 is 5.5, which is not even.

7️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and INDIRECT:

2Sheet NameCell AddressIs Even Value?
3Sheet1A3=IF(ISEVEN(INDIRECT(“‘”&A3&”‘!”&B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with sheet names (column A) and cell addresses (column B).
  • The INDIRECT function constructs cell references based on the sheet names and addresses in A3:B3.
  • The ISEVEN function then checks the values in the specified cells using INDIRECT.
  • In cell C3, the INDIRECT Function translates the cell reference “Sheet1!A3” to the value in cell A3 of Sheet1, which is 6 (even), and the ISEVEN function returns TRUE, so “Yes” is displayed by the IF function.
  • In cell C4, the INDIRECT Function translates the cell reference “Sheet2!B2” to the value in cell B2 of Sheet2, which is 5 (odd), and the ISEVEN function returns FALSE, so “No” is displayed.
  • Cell C5 displays “No” since the value in cell C6 of Sheet 1 is 7 (odd).

8️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and MAX:

2Value 1Value 2Is Even, Max?
3127=IF(ISEVEN(MAX(A3:B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with two sets of values (columns A and B).
  • The MAX function returns the maximum value among A3 and B3, which is 12 (even).
  • The ISEVEN function checks if the maximum value (12) is even, and since it is, the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the maximum value among 8 and 4 is 8, which is even, so the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Cell C5 displays “No” as the maximum value among 3 and 9 is 9, which is not even.

9️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and CONCATENATE:

2Number 1Number 2Is it Even Concatenated?
3510=IF(ISEVEN(VALUE(CONCATENATE(A3, B3))), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with two sets of numbers (columns A and B) stored as text.
  • The CONCATENATE function combines the text in A3 and B3 to form “510.”
  • The VALUE function converts the concatenated text “510” to the numeric value 510.
  • The ISEVEN function checks if the numeric value 510 is even, which is false, and the IF function displays “No” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the concatenated text “82” is converted to the numeric value 82, which is even, so the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Cell C5 displays “No” as the concatenated text “37” is converted to the numeric value 37, which is not even.

🔟 Example using ISEVEN with IF and ROUND:

2ValuePrecisionIs Even Rounded?
312.50=IF(ISEVEN(ROUND(A3, B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with values (column A) and corresponding precision levels (column B).
  • The ROUND function is used to round the values in A3:A5 to the specified precision levels in B3:B5.
  • In cell C3, the value 12.5 is rounded to the nearest whole number (0 precision), which is 12 (even). The ISEVEN function returns TRUE, so “Yes” is displayed by the IF function.
  • In cell C4, the value 15.75 is rounded to one decimal place (1 precision), which is 15.8 (even). The ISEVEN function returns TRUE, so “Yes” is displayed.
  • Cell C5 displays “No” as the value 7.3 rounded to one decimal place is 7.3, which is not even.

11️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and SUBSTITUTE:

2NumberSubstringIs it Even Substituted?
34324=IF(ISEVEN(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(A3, B3, “”))), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with numbers (column A) and substrings to be substituted (column B).
  • The SUBSTITUTE function replaces the substring specified in B3 with an empty string in A3, effectively removing it.
  • The VALUE function converts the modified text to numeric values to perform the ISEVEN check.
  • In cell C3, the number 432 with the substring “4” removed becomes 32, which is even. The ISEVEN function returns TRUE, and “Yes” is displayed by the IF function.
  • In cell C4, the number 567 with the substring “6” removed becomes 57, which is not even. The ISEVEN function returns FALSE, so “No” is displayed.
  • Cell C5 displays “No” since 987 does not contain the substring “8” and remains 987, which is not even.

12️⃣ Example using ISEVEN with IF and LEN:

2TextLengthIs Even Length?
3Apple5=IF(ISEVEN(LEN(A3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with text values (column A) and the corresponding lengths (column B).
  • The LEN function calculates the text length in each cell in column A.
  • The ISEVEN function then checks if the length of each text is even or odd.
  • In cell C3, the text “Apple” has a length of 5, which is not even. The ISEVEN function returns FALSE, so “No” is displayed by the IF function.
  • In cell C4, the text “Banana” has a length of 6, which is even. The ISEVEN function returns TRUE, and “Yes” is displayed.
  • Cell C5 displays “Yes” as the text “Orange” also has a length of 6 (even).

🌟 Conclusion: 🌟

In this guide, we explored the ISEVEN function in Microsoft Excel, which checks whether a number is even or odd. We provided detailed explanations and examples of using ISEVEN with various other parts like IF, SUM, VLOOKUP, AVERAGE, INDEX-MATCH, COUNTIF, MAX, CONCATENATE, ROUND, SUBSTITUTE, and LEN. By understanding these examples, you can leverage the ISEVEN function effectively in your data analysis tasks to categorize, filter, or process numeric values based on their evenness properties. Always verify the data type and format before using the ISEVEN function for accurate results in your Excel spreadsheets.

🌟 Part 3: Tips and Tricks 🌟

  • The ISEVEN function is valuable for analyzing datasets containing numeric values, allowing easy categorization based on even and odd properties.
  • When using ISEVEN with other functions, ensure the input values are numeric or can be evaluated as numbers. Non-numeric values may result in unexpected errors or incorrect results.
  • You can combine the ISEVEN function with other logical functions like IF, AND, and OR to create more complex data analysis and decision-making conditions.
  • Remember that the ISEVEN function only checks the integer portion of decimal numbers. Consider using the MOD function instead if you need to identify even or odd decimals.
  • Always ensure the data in your Excel sheet is organized and formatted correctly before using the ISEVEN function for accurate results.