ISODD Function in Excel

🌟 Part 1: Introduce

➡️ Definition: The ISODD function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that checks whether a given number is odd. It returns TRUE if the number is odd and FALSE if it is even.

➡️ Purpose: The primary purpose of the ISODD function is to determine the oddness of a numeric value in Excel. It is beneficial when dealing with datasets that require categorizing or filtering based on odd or even values.

➡️ Syntax & Arguments: The syntax of the ISODD function is as follows:

  • number: The numeric value or reference to the cell containing the value you want to check for oddness.

➡️ Explain the Arguments in the Function:

  • number: This is the required argument, representing the numeric value you want to check for oddness. It can be an actual number or a cell reference containing the number.

➡️ Return Value: The ISODD function returns the logical value TRUE if the input number is odd and FALSE if the number is even.

➡️ Remarks:

  • The ISODD function is different from the MOD function, which can also be used to determine oddness, but the ISODD function provides a more straightforward way to perform this check.
  • When using the ISODD function, the input number does not have to be a whole number. Decimal values will be evaluated as odd or even based on their integer portion.
  • If the input is not numeric, the ISODD function will return the #VALUE! Error.

🌟 Part 2: Examples 🌟

1️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and SUM:

2NumberCategoryIs Odd?
35“Apples”=IF(ISODD(A3), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with numbers (column A) and corresponding categories (column B).
  • In cell C3, we use the ISODD function to check if the number in A3 is odd.
  • Since A3 contains the number 5, which is odd, the ISODD function returns TRUE, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the ISODD function returns FALSE since 10 is an even number, and the IF function displays “No.”
  • In cell C5, the number is 3.5, a decimal value. However, the ISODD function only evaluates the integer portion, which is considered odd. Cell C5 displays “Yes.”

2️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and VLOOKUP:

2NumberCategoryIs Odd?
38“Apples”=IF(ISODD(VLOOKUP(A3, F3:G5, 2, FALSE)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with numbers (column A) and corresponding categories (column B).
  • We also have a lookup table in columns F and G to check if a number belongs to the “odd” category.
  • In cell C3, we use the ISODD function in combination with VLOOKUP to check if the number in A3 exists in the lookup table and is odd.
  • Since 8 is not present in the lookup table, the VLOOKUP function returns a #N/A error, the ISODD function detects it as non-numeric (odd), and the IF function displays “No” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the number 11 exists in the lookup table, and it is odd. The VLOOKUP function finds “Oranges” as the corresponding category, and the IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Similarly, cell C5 displays “No” for the number 6, which is not odd, and cell C6 displays “No” for the number 12, which is not in the lookup table.

3️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and LEN:

2TextCategoryIs Odd?
3“Apples”“Fruits”=IF(ISODD(LEN(A3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with text values (column A) and corresponding categories (column B).
  • In cell C3, we use the ISODD function in combination with LEN to check if the length of the text in A3 is odd.
  • The LEN function calculates the length of “Apples” (6 characters), which is an even number, so the ISODD function returns FALSE. The IF function displays “No” in cell C3.
  • In cell C4, the text “Oranges” has 7 characters (odd length), so the ISODD function returns TRUE. The IF function displays “Yes.”
  • Similarly, cell C5 displays “No” for the text “Grapes,” which has 6 characters (even length).

4️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and COUNTIF:

2ItemQuantityIs Odd Quantity?
3“Apple”5=IF(ISODD(COUNTIF(B3:B5,”>3″)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with items (column A) and their corresponding quantities (column B).
  • In cell C3, we use the COUNTIF function to count the number of quantities greater than 3 in the range B3:B5.
  • The COUNTIF function counts two quantities greater than 3 (5 and 4).
  • The ISODD function checks if the count of quantities greater than 3 is odd, which is true in this case (2 is weird).
  • The IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3, indicating that the count of quantities greater than 3 is odd.

5️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and INDEX-MATCH:

2IDNameIs Odd ID?
3101“John”=IF(ISODD(INDEX(B3:B5, MATCH(101, A3:A5, 0))), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with employee IDs (column A) and their corresponding names (column B).
  • We use the INDEX-MATCH combination to find the name associated with a specific ID (101).
  • The MATCH function locates the position of ID 101 in the range A3:A5, which is the first row (row 3).
  • The INDEX function then retrieves the name from row 3 of the range B3:B5, “John.”
  • The ISODD function checks if the ID (101) is odd, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

6️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and AVERAGEIF:

2CategoryValueIs Odd Average?
3“A”5=IF(ISODD(AVERAGEIF(A3:A5, “A”, B3:B5)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with categories (column A) and corresponding values (column B).
  • We use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average values associated with a specific category (“A” in this case).
  • The AVERAGEIF function calculates the average of values 5 and 7 (both associated with category “A”) as (5 + 7) / 2 = 6.
  • The ISODD function checks if the average value (6) is odd, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

7️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and MAX:

2IDScoreIs Odd Max Score?
310185=IF(ISODD(MAX(B3:B5)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with student IDs (column A) and their corresponding scores (column B).
  • The MAX function finds the highest score among the values in B3:B5, 92.
  • The ISODD function checks if the maximum score (92) is odd, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

8️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and SUBSTITUTE:

2TextCharacterIs Odd Occurrences?
3“banana”“a”=IF(ISODD(LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3, B3, “”))), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with text values (column A) and a specific character to count occurrences (column B).
  • The SUBSTITUTE function replaces all occurrences of the character in B3 with an empty string, effectively removing it from the text in A3.
  • The LEN function calculates the original text’s length and the reader’s size with the character removed.
  • By subtracting the length of the modified text from the original size, we get the count of occurrences of the character.
  • The ISODD function checks if the count of occurrences is odd, which is valid for “banana” (2 events of “a”), and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

9️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and DATEVALUE:

2Date of BirthAgeIs Odd Age?
31990-05-2032=IF(ISODD(DATEVALUE(“2023-07-22”)-DATEVALUE(A3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with dates of birth (column A) and their corresponding ages (column B).
  • We use the DATEVALUE function to convert the given date “2023-07-22” to its numeric representation in Excel.
  • The DATEVALUE function also converts the dates of birth (column A) to their numeric representations.
  • We calculate the age by subtracting the date value of delivery from the current date value.
  • The ISODD function checks if the period is odd, valid for 32, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

🔟 Example using ISODD with IF and CONCATENATE:

2First NameLast NameIs Odd Length?
3“John”“Doe”=IF(ISODD(LEN(CONCATENATE(A3, ” “, B3))), “Yes”, “No”)


  • This Example has a table with first names (column A) and last names (column B).
  • The CONCATENATE function combines the first and last names with a space in between to create a full term.
  • The LEN function calculates the length of the full name.
  • The ISODD function checks if the length of the full name is odd, which is valid for “John Doe” (8 characters), and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

1️⃣1️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and OR:

2Value 1Value 2Is Odd Sum?
365=IF(ISODD(OR(A3, B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with two sets of values (columns A and B).
  • The OR function checks if either of the values in A3 and B3 is non-zero (TRUE if at least one value is non-zero).
  • The ISODD function checks if the OR function (TRUE) result is odd, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

1️⃣2️⃣ Example using ISODD with IF and MEDIAN:

2Number 1Number 2Is Odd Median?
31025=IF(ISODD(MEDIAN(A3:B3)), “Yes”, “No”)


  • In this example, we have a table with two sets of numbers (columns A and B).
  • The MEDIAN function calculates the median of the values in A3:B3, which is 17.
  • The ISODD function checks if the median (17) is odd, which is accurate, and the IF function displays “Yes” in cell C3.

These examples showcase various scenarios where the ISODD function can be combined with other Excel functions to perform different calculations and logic checks based on the oddness of numeric values.

🌟 Part 3: Tips and Tricks 🌟

  • The ISODD function is proper when categorizing or filtering data based on whether a numeric value is odd or even.
  • When using ISODD with other functions, ensure the input values are numeric or can be evaluated as numbers. Non-numeric values may result in unexpected errors or incorrect results.
  • You can combine the ISODD function with other logical parts like IF, AND, and OR to create more complex data analysis and decision-making conditions.
  • Remember that the ISODD function only checks the integer portion of decimal numbers. Consider using the MOD function instead if you need to identify odd or decimals.