ISNUMBER Function in Excel

Part 1. Introduce

๐ŸŒŸ Definition ๐ŸŒŸ

The ISNUMBER function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that checks whether or not a given value is numeric. It returns TRUE if the value is a number and FALSE if not.

๐ŸŒŸ Purpose ๐ŸŒŸ

The main purpose of the ISNUMBER function is to test the data type of a cell’s content. It is beneficial when you have a large dataset and need to identify or filter cells containing numeric values for further analysis or calculations.

๐ŸŒŸ Syntax & Arguments ๐ŸŒŸ

The syntax of the ISNUMBER function is as follows:

  • Value: This is the value or cell reference you want to test. It can be any data type, such as a number, text, date, or logical value.

๐ŸŒŸ Explain the Arguments in the Function ๐ŸŒŸ

  • The value the argument is mandatory and represents the value or cell reference you want to check. It can be a single-cell reference, a formula, or a constant value.

๐ŸŒŸ Return Value ๐ŸŒŸ

The ISNUMBER function returns either TRUE or FALSE:

  • If the value is numeric, it returns TRUE.
  • If the value is not numeric, it returns FALSE.

๐ŸŒŸ Remarks ๐ŸŒŸ

  • The ISNUMBER function recognizes only numeric values, including whole, decimal, and negative numbers. It does not identify text values or other data types as numeric values.
  • Excel data are internally stored as numeric values, so the ISNUMBER function will return TRUE for cells containing date values.

๐ŸŒผ Part 2. Examples ๐ŸŒผ

Let’s explore three examples of using the ISNUMBER function in Microsoft Excel, where we will nest it with other tasks for different scenarios.

๐ŸŒผ Example 1: Expense Validation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with expenses for different employees, and we want to check if the expense amount is valid (numeric). We’ll use the ISNUMBER function to perform this validation.

1EmployeeExpense 1Valid?
3AliceNot a number=ISNUMBER(VALUE(B3))


  • We have a table with employee expenses, including Employee names and Expense 1.
  • The “Valid?” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Expense 1 value is numeric:
    • We use the VALUE function to convert the text representations of numbers to actual numeric values.
    • For John (B2), the formula returns TRUE because $100 is a numeric value.
    • For Alice (B3), the formula returns FALSE because “Not a number” is not a numeric value.
    • For Bob (B4), the formula returns TRUE because $75.50 is a numeric value.

๐ŸŒผ Example 2: Project Progress Tracker ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with the progress of different tasks in a project, and we want to track if the job is completed (100% progress). We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with an IF function to display the completion status.

1Task IDTask NameCompletion (%)
2TSK001Task A80%
3TSK002Task BNot started
4TSK003Task C100%


  • We have a table with project tasks, including Task ID, Task Name, and Completion (%).
  • The “Completion (%)” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Completion (%) value is a numeric value:
    • We use the VALUE function to convert the text representations of numbers to actual numeric values.
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function checks if the task is 100% completed or not:
      • If the job is 100% satisfied, the formula displays “Completed.”
      • If the job is not 100% completed, the formula displays “In Progress.”
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula shows “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 3: Inventory Check ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with inventory data, and we want to check if the Quantity of each product is more significant than zero (in stock). We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with an IF function to display the availability status.

1Product IDProduct NameQuantity
3PROD002Not Available


  • We have a table with product data, including Product ID, Product Name, and Quantity.
  • The “Quantity” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Quantity value is numeric:
    • We use the VALUE function to convert the text representations of numbers to actual numeric values.
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function checks if the Quantity is more significant than zero:
      • If the Amount exceeds zero, the formula displays “In Stock.”
      • If the Amount is zero or blank, the recipe says “Out of Stock.”
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula shows “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 4: Exam Grading Scheme ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with student exam scores and want to apply a grading scheme based on the scores. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function and an IF function to assign grades.

1Student IDNameScore
2101John Doe85
3102Jane Smith95
4103Bob JohnsonNot Available


  • We have a table with student data, including Student ID, Name, and Score.
  • The “Score” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Score value is numeric:
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function checks the score against the grading scheme:
      • If the score is 90 or higher, the formula assigns the grade “A.”
      • If the score is between 80 and 89, the formula gives the rise “B.”
      • If the score is between 70 and 79, the formula gives the grade “C.”
      • If the score is between 60 and 69, the formula gives the grade “D.”
      • If the score is below 60, the formula gives the grade “F.”
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula displays “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 5: Sales Commission Calculation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with sales data and want to calculate the sales commission for each salesperson based on their sales performance. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with an IF function for commission calculation.

1SalespersonSales AmountCommission
2John$500=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(B2)), IF(VALUE(B2)>1000, B2*0.1, B2*0.05), "Invalid Data")
3JaneNot Available=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(B3)), IF(VALUE(B3)>1000, B3*0.1, B3*0.05), "Invalid Data")
4Bob$1200=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(B4)), IF(VALUE(B4)>1000, B4*0.1, B4*0.05), "Invalid Data")


  • We have a table with sales data, including Salesperson and Sales Amount.
  • The “Commission” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Sales Amount is a numeric value:
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function calculates the commission based on the sales performance:
      • If the Sales Amount is more significant than $1000, the formula calculates a 10% commission.
      • If the Sales Amount is $1000 or less, the formula calculates a 5% commission.
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula displays “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 6: Inventory Cost Calculation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with inventory data, and we want to calculate the total cost of each product based on the quantity and unit price. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with the SUM function for cost calculation.

1Product IDProduct NameQuantityUnit Price
3PROD002Not Available$2.00


  • We have a table with product data, including Product ID, Product Name, Quantity, and Unit Price.
  • The “Total Cost” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Quantity is a numeric value:
    • If the value is numeric, the SUM function calculates the total cost by multiplying the Quantity with the Unit Price.
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula displays “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 7: Salary Increment Calculation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with employee data, and we want to calculate the salary increment for each employee based on their current salary and performance rating. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with an IF function for increment calculation.

1Employee IDNameSalaryRatingNew Salary
2101John Doe$500004.5=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C2)), IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(D2)), C2*(1+D2/100), "Invalid Data"), "Invalid Data")
3102Jane SmithNot Available4.2=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C3)), IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(D3)), C3*(1+D3/100), "Invalid Data"), "Invalid Data")
4103Bob Johnson$60000Not Available=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C4)), IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(D4)), C4*(1+D4/100), "Invalid Data"), "Invalid Data")


  • We have a table with employee data, including Employee ID, Name, Salary, and Rating.
  • The “New Salary” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Salary and Rating are numeric values:
    • If both values are numeric, the IF function calculates the new salary by adding the increment based on the rating (percentage of the current salary).
    • If any value is not numeric, the formula displays “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 8: Data Validation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with various data types and want to validate whether each cell contains a numeric value. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function combined with an IF function to validate data.

1Item IDItem NameQuantityStatus
2ITM001Pen100=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C2)), "Valid", "Invalid")
3ITM002Not Available$50=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C3)), "Valid", "Invalid")
4ITM003NotebookNot Available=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C4)), "Valid", "Invalid")


  • We have a table with item data, including Item ID, Item Name, Quantity, and Status.
  • The “Status” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Quantity value is numeric:
    • IF THE VALUE IS NUMERIC, the IF function returns “Valid” for data validation.
    • The formula returns “Invalid” for data validation if the value is not numeric.

๐ŸŒผ Example 9: Conditional Summation ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with expenses data and want to only calculate the total expenses for numeric values. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with the SUM function for conditional summation.

1Expense IDCategoryAmount
3EXP002Not Available$150
4EXP003MarketingNot Available


  • We have a table with expenses data, including Expense ID, Category, and Amount.
  • The “Total Expenses” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Amount value is numeric:
    • The SUM function adds the Amount to the total expenses if the numeric value.
    • The formula adds zero to the total expenses if the value is not numeric.

๐ŸŒผ Example 10: Data Cleaning ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with sales data, and we want to clean the data by removing non-numeric entries in the “Units Sold” column. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function in combination with an IF function for data cleaning.

1Product IDProduct NameUnits SoldStatus
2PROD001Pen100=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C2)), C2, "")
3PROD002Not Available200=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C3)), C3, "")
4PROD003NotebookNot Available=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(C4)), C4, "")


  • We have a table with product sales data, including Product ID, Product Name, and Units Sold.
  • The “Status” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Units Sold value is numeric:
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function retains the numeric value in the “Status” column.
    • The formula leaves the cell blank in the “Status” column if the value is not numeric.

๐ŸŒผ Example 11: Age Group Categorization ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a table with the age of participants, and we want to categorize them into different age groups. We’ll combine the ISNUMBER function with an IF function for age group categorization.

1Participant IDNameAge
2P001John Doe30
3P002Jane SmithNot Available
4P003Bob Johnson50


  • We have a table with participant data, including Participant ID, Name, and Age.
  • The “Age Group” column uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the Age value is numeric:
    • If the value is numeric, the IF function categorizes the participant into “Young” (age <= 20), “Middle-aged” (age <= 40), or “Senior” (age > 40).
    • If the value is not numeric, the formula displays “Invalid Data.”

๐ŸŒผ Example 12: Custom Function with ISNUMBER ๐ŸŒผ

Suppose we have a custom ” Discount ” function that calculates the discount based on the product category and price. We’ll use the ISNUMBER function to validate the input parameters in the custom function.

Function Discount(category As Variant, price As Variant) As Variant If IsNumeric(price) Then Select Case UCase(category) Case "ELECTRONICS" Discount = price * 0.1 Case "CLOTHING" Discount = price * 0.2 Case Else Discount = "Invalid Category" End Select Else Discount = "Invalid Price" End If End Function


  • We have a custom function named “Discount” that takes two parameters: “category” and “price.”
  • The Function uses the ISNUMBER function to check if the “price” parameter is a numeric value:
    • If the “price” is numeric, the Function applies a discount based on the “category” parameter:
      • If the category is “ELECTRONICS,” the Function applies a 10% discount.
      • If the category is “CLOTHING,” the Function applies a 20% discount.
      • For other categories, the Function returns “Invalid Category.”
    • If the “price” is not numeric, the Function returns “Invalid Price.”

๐ŸŒผ Part 3. Tips and Tricks ๐ŸŒผ

  • The ISNUMBER function is a valuable tool for identifying numeric values in datasets and validating data.
  • To create more complex logical expressions, you can combine the ISNUMBER function with other logical functions like IF, AND, OR, etc…
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight cells containing numeric values based on the results of the ISNUMBER function.
  • Be cautious when using the ISNUMBER function with cells containing dates, as dates are internally represented numeric values, and the Function will return TRUE for date cells.
  • Always verify and test your formulas with various data scenarios to ensure accurate results.